Facility Condition Assessments (FCA)
Does your company need assistance or validation with your capital budget or plan?
Do you need to know the value of your asset inventory? Are you needing help collecting asset data to implement a computerize maintenance management system (CMMS) or integrated work management system (IWS)? What assets are the most critical to your organization and what condition are they in?
Do you need an expert to help validate an underwriter or insurance firms opinion on asset replacement value?
Evaluation of systems (Roofing, walls, life safety systems (generators, transfer switches, fire detection, and fire suppression systems), windows, HVAC, Power Systems, Lighting, Vertical Transportation, Grounds, Roads, Water Systems) for building owners to use in make decisions on capital planning, maintenance strategies, and budgeting. Thornridge Facilities Associates is an expert Facilities Management company that has expertise in all areas of FM with industry experts in hard or technical FM services.
Fees for these types of assessment varies depending on purpose of the assessment, asset counts, documentation available (drawings, asset inventory, maps…etc.), and access to the assets. When needed, Thornridge partners on the assessment with industry expects such as Engineering firms, specialized maintenance providers, and industry experts. Our cost estimating is based on the most recent version of RS Means cost estimating standards. The basis for the expected equipment life is weighted between our team’s experience, OEM recommendations, published industry standards from groups such as IBC, ASHRAE, IEEE, NFPA, and ANSI. Generally, we find that our client’s needs fall into three different levels of FCAs that we have packaged into the following offerings >
Silver FCA:
The silver level of FCA includes assessment of assets at the system level which includes overall facility summary, expected life remaining, observed code violations (NFPA, IBC, ANSI), budgetary system replacement cost (+/- 25%) using parametric costing, and analysis and system health rating from our proprietary software. The assessment is based on visual inspection, discussion with facility staff, and name plate information and based on an “aged-based” approach.
Expected cost*: $0.04 to $0.08 / square foot for most facilities. Firm pricing to be quoted upon request and based on square footage of facility, asset / equipment count, access to facility, and facility location.
Gold FCA:
The gold level of FCA includes everything included in the Silver Level except the assessment is focused down to the equipment level but the ideology of the evaluation takes a weighted approached of equipment age, equipment records (testing results, maintenance records, commissioning data), and physical field inspection (non-destructive or intrusive) to determine the true asset health. The costing is also expanded to current value along with expected replacement cost. In addition, specific references to standards are sited in the report for equipment deficiencies along with recommended corrections.
Expected cost*: $0.10 to $0.16 / square foot for most facilities. Firm pricing to be quoted upon request and based on square footage of facility, asset / equipment count, access to facility, and facility location.
Platinum FCA:
The Platinum level is our highest level of FCA offered and we believe the best in the industry. This level includes all elements of the Gold Package along with an asset inventory delivered in electronic format that includes name plate data (equipment type, manufacture, model, serial number, capacity, identification) equipment criticality rating (based on criteria from an initial working session with the clients) and also equipment tagging. In addition we will validate or provide you with square footage of your facility broken down by area or use type along with replacement cost.
Expected cost*: $0.18 to $0.25 / square foot for most facilities. Firm pricing to be quoted upon request and based on square footage of facility, asset / equipment count, access to facility, and facility location.
Custom FCA:
Thornridge can also conduct an FCA on manufacturing, warehouse, and custom assets as well. Costing for this assessment is provided on a case by case basis due to the complex and diverse nature of equipment assets.
*Pricing is based on assets typically under the management of Facilities Management organizations.

Lease Condition Assessments (LCA)
Are you leasing your commercial office building, warehouse, manufacturing space, or campus and want to be sure that the landlord / property manager is honoring the terms and conditions of the lease? Perhaps you are the landlord / property manager and you want to be sure that you are providing your client with the services that you are contractually obligated to provide? Is there a disagreement between the lessor and lessee on what levels of service should be provided based on the terms and conditions of the lease agreement?
Evaluation of leased property versus the lease agreement for lessors / tenants to use to make decisions on determining the adherence of the landlord to the terms and conditions of the executed lease agreement (janitorial service, landscaping upkeep, snow removal, HVAC performance (maintenance, temperature and humidity service), lighting maintenance, life safety system compliance including fire detection and suppression systems, elevators, and other aspects specified in your agreement.
LCA Basic:
The report includes photographs of deficiencies, references of the deficiencies back to the lease terms and conditions. Environmental conditions at the time of the assessment such as lighting level, temperature and humidity, cleanliness of the facility areas per the lease agreement, operational condition of assets / equipment, and maintenance and inspection records available.
LCA Expert:
This level of assessment includes all the aspects of the basic LCA but also includes recommendations of changes / modifications to the lease agreement to better meet the need of the lessor or lessee.
LCA Custom:
Thornridge Facilities Associates staff has experience assisting with the lease documents for both landlords and tenants of 10,000 square feet buildings to real estate portfolios greater than 10 million square feet covering multiple states. This service is not intended to be a legal or law firm advise but if needed, THORNRIDGE can partner with one of our law firms to provide this added value as well.